After a much-needed hiatus to reflect on my year-long experiment diving into innovation and realigning for an exciting new chapter, Everyday Innovation is back for a more robust season of content, resources, and community connection.
Even as a conceptual seed, Everyday Innovation was inspired by the daily or consistent intentional commitments and inspired actions that, as individuals, we can make and take to cultivate our unique process of innovation as creators.
The compound effect of showing up to create, design, refine, and share — as well as nourish the foundation of self upon which these are built – writes a legacy of impact one step at a time and allows us to develop creative resilience.
This is the perfect curation to break a period of incubation for EI, and I look forward to sharing and hearing your creator atomic habits that you'll be carrying through 2022 to support your innovation as an impactful creator-entrepreneur!
Wise Words
Creativity is a habit, and the best creativity is a result of good work habits. That's it in a nutshell ... In order to be creative you have to know how to prepare to be creative.
~ Twyla Tharpe (Dancer, Choreographer, Author of The Creative Habit: Learn It and Use It for Life)
Ultimately, it is your commitment to the process that will determine your progress. When you fall in love with the process rather than the product, you don’t have to wait to give yourself permission to be happy. You can be satisfied anytime your system is running.
~ James Clear (Author of Atomic Habits)
And once you understand that habits can change, you have the freedom and the responsibility to remake them.
~ Charles Duhigg (Author of Smarter Faster Better and The Power of Habit)
Habit is the intersection of knowledge (what to do), skill (how to do), and desire (want to do).
~ Stephen R. Covey (Author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People)
By developing and practicing good habits each day, you affirm that you do have control over the very core of your life in the midst of the chaos.
~ Stephen Guise (Author of Elastic Habits)
We've all heard the expression 'we are creatures of habit' and this is perhaps the ultimate truism. Habits are integral to our daily lives and without them, we would not be able to function as effectively.
~ Rob Cristophe (Author of Bad Habits)
Music Journal Playlists (Practice + Examples)
I wanted to share a unique, easy practice for those of you looking to add some mindfulness and fun to your routine!
For the last two years, I have created an annual playlist to which I add songs (near-) daily that capture a notable memory, experience, mood, or "vibe" that resonates. This practice has allowed me to piece together my story in a series of emotion-filled snapshots that instantly bring me back on the journey when I revisit them.
It's also a fantastic way to share your story and musical taste with others in a way that is more personal, regardless of whether it is capturing over a year, week, month, or season in your life.
Here are my playlists from 2021 and 2022 (still in progress, of course). Make sure to like them for updates and share your link with me so that I can follow along with yours!
Innospiration Podcast Playlist
Here is a curated list of a few creativity x atomic habits podcast episodes (and an audio book bonus!) to inspire your routine as you evolve as a powerful innovator.
Featured Reads
Reply to this e-mail, message/tag me on Instagram or Twitter, or post in the community to share your thoughts on these books or suggest other favorites!
Featured Resources
To Build Your Writing Habit - Ship30for30

To Track Habits - Fabulous (iOS and Android) | Streaks (iOS, MacOS, WatchOS)

Community Contributions
What atomic habits/regular practices/accountability tools support your journey as a creator?

I use an old school pen and paper 66-day habit tracking calendar. Feels good to check it off everyday!
— Ryan Packer 🚢 (@ryancpacker) April 19, 2022

I used a cheap composition book to track workouts when I did intense training or had weight targets: I tracked days, and all workout details: did that for several years
— Noah Scales (@NoahJohnScales) April 16, 2022
My current workouts don't need that kind of tracking but maybe in six months or so I'll ramp up what Im doing

I use @youversion to keep track of my Word study habit.
— John 🚢 (162/365) (@yxnnachan) April 16, 2022
I use the #nikerunclub app to track my 5-mile, five days a week commitment.
I use @typeshare_co analytics to track my writing and publishing habits.

@whit4th had a great post about this:
— Jamie Howard 👋 (@JamieHoward) April 17, 2022
Favorite takeaways from Atomic Habits?
Enjoyed how much of this book can be implemented in daily life immediately!
— Oli Barton (37/100) (@olibartontweets) May 18, 2022
Particularly liked the insight into how successful people struggle with motivation just as much as everyone else.
What separates them is that they find a way to deal with this and progress.
2. Make 1% changes every day.
— Jamie Howard 👋 (@JamieHoward) April 16, 2022
Don’t chase huge sweeping changes.
Make lots of small incremental improvements because 1% every day over the course of a year has compounding results.
[PS - I'm expecting, so that's another reason why there was a bit of a hiatus! Any other parents out there? Let's connect!]

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