Flow as Fuel for Your Creative Process

In this newsletter, we’re getting into the widely covered but often misapplied concept of flow.

Flow isn’t just about productivity hacks or finding ways to work faster—it’s about achieving a state where creativity, clarity, and focus come together. By understanding and cultivating flow, you can not only get things done more effectively but also enjoy the process and find meaning in the work you do.

We'll address some practical approaches to making flow a consistent part of your life. And we’ll break down the essentials of balancing challenge and skill, managing your environment and identity to support flow, and using different focus techniques to stay engaged for longer.

Whether you’ve studied or experience flow regularly or you struggle with getting out of inconsistent hyperfocus into consistent, sustainable creativity—this is for you.


To get the full context of the topic, listen to the latest episode of the Everyday Innovation podcast.

As you listen, feel free to follow along and add to the experience with additional resources below.


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Key Takeaways from the Episode

Designing Tasks for Flow: Learn how to set up tasks that naturally trigger flow by ensuring the right level of challenge, enhancing both productivity and engagement.

Flexible Flow Practices: The Pomodoro Technique is a great starting point for focus, but Flow Time offers a more adaptable approach, allowing for deeper, sustained focus without rigid time constraints.

Nervous System Regulation: While stress can sometimes drive action, it often blocks flow. Regulating your nervous system is critical for accessing a consistent state of flow.

Hyperfocus vs. Flow: Hyperfocus can feel intense but is often stress-driven and exhausting, while flow is a balanced and regenerative state that can be cultivated regularly.

Low-Stakes Activities as Flow Entry Points: Repetitive activities like walking or cleaning can help you enter flow, providing an accessible way to get into deeper creative work.

Environment and Identity: Setting up your environment is important—consider factors like lighting, music, and rituals to create cues for focus. But beyond this, making flow part of your identity helps you access it more consistently, regardless of external conditions.

Energy Management with Flow: Unlike hyperfocus, flow regenerates rather than depletes your energy, allowing for sustained creativity and productivity without burnout. More on energy management in the next episode!

Have you ever tried the Pomodoro technique? It involves setting a timer for 25 minutes of focused work, followed by a short break.

This timed practice can be extremely effective for the initiation of tasks and short-term focus, but it can fall short when applied to flow-dependent activities (including, but not limited to, writing, coding, graphic design, and custom building).

The Flowtime Technique is an alternative practice to consider for instances in which a timer could create unwanted interruptions while experiencing a flow state.

Start working on a focused task for at least 10 minutes (or adapt your existing Pomodoro time intervals) and stop to take a break when you start to feel distracted, feel like you're disengaging, or have completed the task. Log the task and the time invested.

Then, after a short break, jump back into the task if it is unfinished if you feel called to it or switch to another task that is more aligned with your energy and priorities.

Follow this process until tasks are finished or focused energy is depleted.


These playlists aim to encourage different types of flow states.

Flow Mind - Meditate or use binaural beats to tap into a calm, focused state.

Flow Chill - Stay productive while feeling chill with this mix of lo-fi, chillstep, and dreamy rhythms with minimal lyrics.

Flow Beats - Add some energy to your flow without feeling stressed! These trance, house, and dance beats include some lyrics mixed in with solely instrumentals to keep the vibe going.

Follow these playlists to save them in your Spotify library for your next sessions!

Books on Flow

Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience


The Rise of Superman


The Joy of Movement


Stealing Fire


The Art of Learning


Podcasts Focused on Flow

Entering Flow State (Flow State with Harry Mack)

The Easy Way to Cure Your Phone Addiction (Flow State Unlocked)

Breathwork and Flow (Flow Radio)

Other Resources

Flow Animated Book Summary

Flow Ted Talk (Reposted)