Thinking Better with Mental Models [Podcast]

Jul 20, 2022 1 min read
Thinking Better with Mental Models [Podcast]

A discussion on the purpose of mental models, why they help us understand and shift perspectives, and examples we can use to "think better".

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It's been a minute since I last hit publish on a podcast episode, but I'm happy to be back!

This recording is actually from a Twitter space that I hosted on mental models and frameworks in preparation for an Innospiration newsletter .

I loved the discussion so much that I decided to share this wonderful content-packed audio here. This may be part of a new release model along with more traditionally produced episodes!

I share quite a bit about the benefit and purpose of mental models and frameworks, why they are essential in understanding and shifting our perspective, and give a bunch of examples that inspire deeper analysis about the way that we think!

My friend and talented coach Fabiola Segovia also shares a thorough walkthrough of a fascinating detailed coaching energetics framework that she uses in her practice that you can immediately apply after listening to this episode.


Fabiola Segovia - Certified Business Coach

Framework Contribution (visual reference) :

Fabiola uses this particular framework in assessments with clients and is certified in this methodology. Check out more of her offerings here.

Relevant updates and resources:

Innospiration 10 - Thinking Better with Mental Models - newsletter & resources on mental models

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